Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11th, 2011 - Paul's 12 Days of December- The Grid

Day #11- December 11th- Favorite 11 of 12 - The Grid
As I was creating this list and brainstorming ideas for it my friend Jamie actually reminded me of how much I use this next item and like it.  It's funny how sometimes our "favorites" are things we take for granted or forget about.  So first, go email your mom, right now!  Tell her you don't take her for granted!  Then come back so you can learn about today's favorite.   Back?  Alright, so for all of those taken for granted favorites, I feature The Grid today! 
I personally, primarily use The Grid to stretch and massage my back (which it does AMAZINGLY) but you can also use it to achieve a comprehensive core body workout, from crunches to bicycles to pushups - use it to challenge core muscles and incorporate it into daily workout routines.  It also is compact so it travels well.  I love this item, I really do. Check out for more information and other products.  Also, you can order The Grid from Amazon, just follow the link below.  Why wait till January 1st to make resolutions.  Make one right now!


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